Tuesday, 16 January 2018


Only a short visit to Stanton Park this afternoon to get some fresh air before it rained, but worthwhile as I added jay and tree creeper to my year list.  

I put out some bird seed and peanuts on the feeding tray which soon attracted the usual species; dunnock, robins, blue tit, great tit, coal tit, marsh tit, nuthatch and blackbirds. I spotted a tree creeper moving quickly up a nearby tree, and as I hoped, a  couple of jays were soon attracted by the peanuts but stayed high in the branches.  With a bit more time, (and peanuts) I think they might have ventured down. However, they were in competition with three squirrels who were keen to get their share first. 

Next time I think I will need a greater supply of peanuts to allow enough for both jays and squirrels! 
benches around the feeder


marsh tit


squirrel waiting to get on the feeder



tree creeper moving faster than my camera!

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