Friday, 20 April 2018


The end of the first week back after the school holidays, and I was off the spend the rest of the day enjoying the warm sunshine at Slimbridge WWT centre. 

I didn't really have much in mind regarding target birds, a glossy ibis and mediterranean gulls being the only possibilities, but I'd not been during April so looked forward to feeling the sense of anticipation of summer. The blossom was out, and various birds were nest building, if not incubating, and there were even a few broods of young around, including greylag goslings, mallard and gadwall chicks. 

I took my usual route up towards the Holden tower, calling in at the Rushy Pen; then visited the Discovery Hide. This is where I was likely to see the Mediterranean gulls, and indeed the guide quickly pointed out a pair to me on on one of the islands; the centre is hoping that they may decide to nest here. 
avocets on the Rushy...

...and from the Holden tower

shelduck on the Rushy

mediterranean gulls

Across the water he also pointed out some gadwall chicks which were keeping close to the overhanging vegetation. As I was about to leave, he asked if I'd seen the glossy ibis yet, as it had been showing in front of the Zeiss hide! Having missed this bird the last time I visited the centre, and assuming that it was not around as I'd not seen it from the hides on the Holden walkway, things were now sounding hopeful!  

Enquiring at the hide, I was told it had been seen fairly near the hide but was now hiding behind some reeds further away!  I could see a dark shape then it appeared for a few seconds before retreating. Well, at least I'd seen it! As we waited we had lovely views of a grey heron wading in front of the hide. 

With plenty of time to spare, I popped up to the kingfisher hide and watched the male kingfisher outside the nesting bank before it turned and flew off up (down) stream. Returning to the Zeiss hide, I was informed I had missed it again, but it was now hiding nearer to the hide than before. Feeling hopeful, I waited around for a while, and the ibis reappeared, long enough to take some record photos and a short video. 

Time for an ice cream then home!

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  Today's trip required an early start to enable me to join the South Wiltshire local rspb group  for a morning's birding in the New...