Tuesday, 10 April 2018


Wondering where to go birding this afternoon, I cast a look at some of the local blogs and found that a black redstart and common scoter had both been seen at Farmoor Reservoir.

Not having seen either of these birds before, it was definitely worth a visit. As I crossed the causeway I soon picked out the all black scoter to my right, fairly distant though definitely recognizable.  On the other side, a goldeneye  was sitting with some tufted ducks on the edge of the water.

 At the end of the causeway, someone asked if I was a birdwatcher as there was a rare bird (the black redstart) in the bushes which I could see  if I went down a few steps behind them! Surprised that no one else was looking for it, but pleased it was still around, I stopped in the spot recommended and waited, peering through my binoculars at any movement amongst the leaves and twigs. I found a black cap and reed bunting but no definite black redstart.  However,  there was a bird there that I couldn't identify, but I couldn't see any red/orange markings. 

I was joined by another birder and pointed out the bird  which had just come to the front of the hedge and I thought this time, I  could just make out some red. Just then it flew out onto the ground and back in again, but with time to see a definite flash of red. The black redstart!

After being disturbed it flew out and into some bushes some distance away, though a third birder, who had come along, managed to locate it for us. At last it flew on top of the Thames Water building adjacent to it, and we  could get a few record shots, though the light was pretty bad. 

 So some good birds, although some not so good photos!



common scoter
reed bunting


black redstart, you can just make out the red on its tail

black redstart

black redstart

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