Saturday, 30 January 2021


 I usually reserve Saturday morning of the Big Garden Birdwatch for an hour's bird recording from my breakfast room window. It was raining hard first thing, so I delayed my start until nearly 1030 a.m. It  was still raining at that point but I noticed a number of goldfinches were on the sunflower heart feeders ( six in total). A  blackbird was also feeding on the apples that I had thrown out on the grass for them, 

After several minutes most of the goldfinch flock flew off, leaving a solitary individual, who after a while flew off too. 

In the bushes behind my feeding station, I noticed some movement, and a dunnock and a blue tit appeared; the dunnock was feeding from the dropped seeds on the gravel underneath the feeders, whilst the blue tit preferred the suet block. A second dunnock then flew down to the bird table ( an old singer sewing machine table) whilst a robin perched nearby for a moment before flying off again,

By 10.40 I had seen a third dunnock and there were three wood pigeons resting in the nearby tree. I noticed a crow further up the garden feeding on a fat ball, which I suspect it had removed from the bird table where I had put it earlier. Over the next half and hour there was a steady influx of birds, in ones and twos, including house sparrows, blue tits, a great tit and blackbird and a return of  one goldfinch whch fed steadily from the sunflower hearts.

Only nine species and thirty birds, but a  realistic reflection of my regular garden visitors. 

blackbird 3 bluetit 2 dunnock 3 wood pigeon 6 robin 1 carrion crow 2 goldfinch 6 house sparrow 6 great tit 1

Monday, 25 January 2021



Yesterday we had our first  proper snowfall this winter; it was snowing  when I pulled back the curtains and it came down quite heavily for a while until gradually petering out  mid-morning.  I measured it as 2.5 inches. The sun came out and thawed it a little  and the snow had soon all but disappeared from the trees though lay on the grass still. I had filled the bird feeders in readiness and threw out some apples hoping to attract fieldfares or redwings but only blackbirds took advantage of this feast.  However, I did notice a pair of greenfinches visiting the feeders,  which I've not seen for several months. 

This morning there was a bit of a frost then the sun shone brightly for most of the day. I headed out to Stanton Park after lunch, having spent the morning teaching on line; the snow was an appropriate finish to a topic on 'What can you see in winter?'  whereby the books were filled with pictures of snow and snowman despite the fact we had not had any snow this winter so far! 

At Stanton park the carpark  was mainly compacted snow, but not too slippery thankfully.  Not many people were around as |I made for the usual bird feeding stations and emptied some seeds and peanuts out for the birds. Conveniently at one  bird table, there was a snow covered log which had been placed there for photgraphic purposes, so I topped it up with snow and waited a little further back.

As expected there was a flurry of bird species, including five members of the tit family; great tit, coal tit,  blue tit, long tailed tit and marsh tit, together with  two nuthatches , five robins, blackbirds, dunnock and chaffinch all keen to get a meal. 

I did not have long today, so after watching and taking a few photographs, I headed round the other side of the lake and returned to the car. 

Monday, 4 January 2021



It appears that our freedom is about to be severely restricted from tonight but I  drove over to a local reserve ten minutes away this morning to look for ducks!  Pit 127 near Whelford is where a ring necked duck has been staying recently though I have been unsuccessful at locating it, chiefly because the tufted ducks with which it associates are generally too far distant to be able  to pinpoint the beak markings which distinguishes it. 

However, I noticed on my last visit that this lake also held a variety of other ducks so  with a new year list at hand, I thought I would make a revisit.  I parked in the usual Whelford Pools carpark and started to follow the muddy path. A sound in the top of a tree grabbed my attention and I looked up to find a  greater spotted woodpecker. With a green woodpecker in my garden regularly feasting on apples, that's both common woodpeckers already ticked off already this year!  Coming out into a clearing I met someone coming in the opposite direction with binoculars in hand. A short conversation with him ensued, during which he asked if  I had seen the goosanders on the area of water behind me. I hadn't, of course, so picked my way through some broken branches to get a clearer view, and saw around  five or six males and females. Having just grabbed a record shot, too poor to be included in this blog,  something disturbed them and they all flew off together.

On enquiring about the ring necked duck, I was told it was seen yesterday but  from the opposite side of the lake, which would also give me better views of the other ducks. He explained how to get there by turning left further up the road and following the road almost to its end and parking by a gate. I decided to head there straightaway, and although I  didn't see the ring necked duck (again!), there were  plenty of whistling wigeon, together with tufted ducks, some sleepy teal, mallards and shoveler, also canada and greylag geese. In  the hedges near to the car, I saw a party of long tailed tits and a few redwings and fieldfares. 

Friday, 1 January 2021



A frosty start to New Year's Day with some light snow for a while made it feel like it was definitely winter. The temperature never rose above 2 degrees all day. With tier 4 restrictions in place, much of my new year birding will have to be done locally, starting with my own garden. 

During the course of the day, I saw most of the usual visitors, including  dunnocks ( four of them was a high tally for my garden), robin, great tit, blue tits, crow, blackbirds, starlings, goldfinches, wood pigeons and house sparrows.  I also had a first fieldfare of the winter in my garden, feasting on the fallen apples. In the early afternoon I headed out to   Stanton Country Park for a walk in the fresh air and to add a few more species to my new year list. The feeding stations seem to be regularly topped up at the moment, though some of the food looks at bit odd-- I'm sure there were balls of stuffing there today!!  I have found that the woodland birds have a preference for peanuts so I usually take some with me to add to the tables. After putting a few out, I waited and was able to add coal tit and marsh tit, ( but no nuthatch)  as well as a tree creeper and chaffinch.  I could also hear and see jackdaws high up in the trees. 

On the lake which was nearly completely frozen over, were clustered a few mallards and swans with a few blackheaded gulls. So a day's total of 18. 

(photos from yesterday)


  I read a blog recently which suggested that the hawfinches at Parkend were really not worth visiting, as the area is so busy with dog walk...