Monday, 25 January 2021



Yesterday we had our first  proper snowfall this winter; it was snowing  when I pulled back the curtains and it came down quite heavily for a while until gradually petering out  mid-morning.  I measured it as 2.5 inches. The sun came out and thawed it a little  and the snow had soon all but disappeared from the trees though lay on the grass still. I had filled the bird feeders in readiness and threw out some apples hoping to attract fieldfares or redwings but only blackbirds took advantage of this feast.  However, I did notice a pair of greenfinches visiting the feeders,  which I've not seen for several months. 

This morning there was a bit of a frost then the sun shone brightly for most of the day. I headed out to Stanton Park after lunch, having spent the morning teaching on line; the snow was an appropriate finish to a topic on 'What can you see in winter?'  whereby the books were filled with pictures of snow and snowman despite the fact we had not had any snow this winter so far! 

At Stanton park the carpark  was mainly compacted snow, but not too slippery thankfully.  Not many people were around as |I made for the usual bird feeding stations and emptied some seeds and peanuts out for the birds. Conveniently at one  bird table, there was a snow covered log which had been placed there for photgraphic purposes, so I topped it up with snow and waited a little further back.

As expected there was a flurry of bird species, including five members of the tit family; great tit, coal tit,  blue tit, long tailed tit and marsh tit, together with  two nuthatches , five robins, blackbirds, dunnock and chaffinch all keen to get a meal. 

I did not have long today, so after watching and taking a few photographs, I headed round the other side of the lake and returned to the car. 

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  I read a blog recently which suggested that the hawfinches at Parkend were really not worth visiting, as the area is so busy with dog walk...