Saturday, 30 January 2021


 I usually reserve Saturday morning of the Big Garden Birdwatch for an hour's bird recording from my breakfast room window. It was raining hard first thing, so I delayed my start until nearly 1030 a.m. It  was still raining at that point but I noticed a number of goldfinches were on the sunflower heart feeders ( six in total). A  blackbird was also feeding on the apples that I had thrown out on the grass for them, 

After several minutes most of the goldfinch flock flew off, leaving a solitary individual, who after a while flew off too. 

In the bushes behind my feeding station, I noticed some movement, and a dunnock and a blue tit appeared; the dunnock was feeding from the dropped seeds on the gravel underneath the feeders, whilst the blue tit preferred the suet block. A second dunnock then flew down to the bird table ( an old singer sewing machine table) whilst a robin perched nearby for a moment before flying off again,

By 10.40 I had seen a third dunnock and there were three wood pigeons resting in the nearby tree. I noticed a crow further up the garden feeding on a fat ball, which I suspect it had removed from the bird table where I had put it earlier. Over the next half and hour there was a steady influx of birds, in ones and twos, including house sparrows, blue tits, a great tit and blackbird and a return of  one goldfinch whch fed steadily from the sunflower hearts.

Only nine species and thirty birds, but a  realistic reflection of my regular garden visitors. 

blackbird 3 bluetit 2 dunnock 3 wood pigeon 6 robin 1 carrion crow 2 goldfinch 6 house sparrow 6 great tit 1

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  I read a blog recently which suggested that the hawfinches at Parkend were really not worth visiting, as the area is so busy with dog walk...