Saturday 16 January 2016


Some time ago my cousin Jon promised he would take me a spot known as 'finch corner' near Barbury Castle, so I was delighted to receive an email last evening suggesting we go there the next morning.
So on a frosty and sunny morning we arrived at the aforementioned spot and parked up, using the car as a 'hide'. Having spread some seed on the wooden fence posts we sat and waited. The hedge appeared come  alive with finches and we succeeded in observing 13 different species! They included tree sparrow, brambling, plenty of yellow hammers and green finches,  a few corn buntings, reed warbler, chaffinches, blue tits, great tit, robin, dunnock, goldfinch and blackbird.  A few photos from this morning are shown below.
                                                blue tit
                                                       male brambling

                                                   female chaffinch
                                                             corn bunting

yellow hammer

As we were about to leave, three roe deer crossed the fields below us and on the way back we had a lovely view of a kestrel in a tree, 

roe deer

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