Saturday, 17 September 2016


After the sweltering heat of the past week, it was a bit of a shock to have to wear fleece and gilet today! Felt and looked quite like autumn, which of course it is I suppose. Due to the floods in the Reading area, the road to the country park had a 'closed' sign but I was told by a motorist  coming in the opposite direction that the floods had gone, so I could safely ignore it!  I parked in the reserve car park, and walked to a couple of hides. 

The Bittern hide was very quiet, but at the teal hide, I could watch the antics of a pair of great crested grebes and their young, which were scrambling on and off their backs and cheeping constantly.  A kingfisher perched a couple of times on a branch put out for that purpose, and gave some good views, though still fairly distant for my camera lens, with poor light  too. Later a grey heron flew in and landed fairly close in front of the hide. 

Other birds around included, a red kite flying above, swans, tufted and mallard ducks and coot.  I was told that the water levels had risen considerably, thereby discouraging waders such as sandpipers that had been seen during the previous day or so. 
great crested grebe with youngster on its back...

well, two actually!

heron and mallard

kingfisher - zoomed in

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  I read a blog recently which suggested that the hawfinches at Parkend were really not worth visiting, as the area is so busy with dog walk...