Wednesday, 29 January 2020


I visited Stanton Country Park today, thankful to see l that the huge potholes along the entrance track, had been filled in. 

There are two spots I favour for photographing woodland birds here, both near bird tables, but the first location already was already occupied by a photographer so after staying a few minutes, I went over to another area, where there are a few benches in a semi circle facing a bird table. Someone had already set up a  half log with some ivy on one of these benches and put some bird seed on it. It was already attracting a variety of small birds, including five species of tit, chaffinch, dunnock, robin and nuthatch so I sat and watched for a while, but then decided to move the half log on to the top of the bird table where there was some more light for any photos I wanted to take.   Behind me, up in the trees I noticed my first jay of the year, although it wasn't quite brave enough to come down for the peanuts I had put out while I was sitting there. Maybe it did later on. 




chaffinch (m)

marsh tit

coal tit

looking skyward from my seat

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  I read a blog recently which suggested that the hawfinches at Parkend were really not worth visiting, as the area is so busy with dog walk...