With sunny weather continuing, I decided to turn my attention to finding some of the early emerging spring butterflies. Yesterday I saw a couple of holly blues in my garden and I have read reports of other species seen in Wiltshire and Oxfordshire.
Martinsell Hillfort, just south of Marlborough is only half an hour away, but somehow I have not managed to visit it. Perhaps its the description of the steep climb to the top that has put me off! However, I headed over there this morning to find out what the site offered and to see if I could add any new species to my list so far this year. The carpark isn't huge but there were only a few other cars there when I arrived, mostly walkers. It was a bit early in the day for butterflies, admittedly, and my hopes weren't exactly high when I realised that there was also a brisk north easterly wind.
I followed the path to the top of the hill, and made for the bench from where you can admire the extensive views over the Wiltshire countryside. It was pretty breezy and I hadn't yet seen any butterflies. I was hoping that there might be a sheltered area on the opposite side but it opened out onto a plateau which was still exposed. I carried on walking, staying close to the hedge which gave some protection from the wind, but the only butterfly I saw was a peacock.
I decided to return the way I had come, and passing through a short narrow sheltered section between some bushes, I suddenly saw something brown fluttering at a low level at the side of the path . It settled, and there was my first green hairstreak of the year! The tiny butterfly proceeded to flutter around and then settle again several times, always in the same vicinity so I waited till it was in a position where the sun shone on its beautiful bright green underwings before taking my photos.
Feeling at least partly rewarded, I returned to the car and ate my picnic lunch, enjoying the view. It had now begun to warm up a bit more and I noticed orange tip and brimstone butterflies in the grassy area next to the car park so decided to go back and explore a small part of the hillside where I would expect to find a range of species on a less windy day. I found a couple of female brimstones and then another green hairstreak but sadly nothing else. Definitely a place to return to in a few weeks time I think.