Tuesday, 13 April 2021


I planned to go into school this morning  at 930 am so   got up early to make the 15 minute journey over to Blakehill Nature reserve to have a walk before school and hopefully see one or more  of the redstarts that have been reported there this week. However, it was dense fog when I got up, and although I started out optimistically, once half way there, I decided to turn round and come back home, as it didn't look as if it would clear any time soon. 

As it turned out, I was finished at school by 230, and had time to return home before setting out again in the hope of finding a redstart after all. 

It was  fairly sunny and with hardly any wind so it was quite a pleasant walk down the main track. I kept my eyes on the fence posts either side ahead of me just in case I could spot a shape on one of them.  However, suddenly I saw a flash of red as a bird  darted out of a tree just ahead of me on to the ground the other side. It could have been a robin of course, but I thought I would just wait and see if  it emerged again. After a minute or two, something flew out and landed on a fence post ahead. A quick look through my binoculars told me that yes, it was a redstart!. I've only seen one once before at RSPB  Nagshead a couple of years ago and that was very distant so I was thrilled to see one somewhat closer and more local too. 

Following the track a bit further it hopped on and off fence posts and sometimes onto the  track and other times into the field.  There were about three birds in all at different points along the track but eventually I managed to get  ahead of one of them  so that I was not pointing my camera into the sun.and managed a few photos. 

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