Monday, 3 October 2016


With just a few hours in the  afternoon to spare I made another trip to Coate water, to enjoy the afternoon sunshine. I spent roughly an hour at each of the hides, after having watched three red admirals on the ivy bush near the bridge.  Both hides had a few occupants, but it was quiet as far as birds were concerned. Highlights were a kingfisher at hide 1,  whilst at hide 2 there were various ducks, little egret, flypasts by  a green sandpiper , unable to land as the best landing spots were occupied by gulls,  and a kingfisher.

Birds seen today included: canada goose, mute swan, great crested grebe, cormorant, wren, kingfisher, green sandpiper, blackheaded gull, wigeon, shoveler, mallard, tufted duck, little egret, grey heron, moorhen, coot. 

black headed gulls on the 'crocodile log'

red admiral feeding on ivy flowers


swan doing contortions whilst preening

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  I read a blog recently which suggested that the hawfinches at Parkend were really not worth visiting, as the area is so busy with dog walk...