Wednesday 22 March 2017


When it finally looked as if it might stay dry for a while, I took a quick stroll round the perimiter path of Liden Lagoon. On the lagoon itself were good numbers of canada geese, together with mallards, gadwall, tufted ducks and mute swans. Also a great-crested grebe, herring gulls and a lesser blacked backed gull. I watched a chiffchaff flitting amongst the reeds and brambles around the edge of the water, and noticed a coot on its nest. Oh and also a kingfisher flew past...

Birds seen: magpie, swan, great crested grebe, mallard, tufted duck, gadwall, robin, dunnock, long tailed tits, herring gull, lesser blackbacked gull, kingfisher, chiffchaff, wood pigeon, collared dove. 
spring at Liden lagoon

pair of collard doves preening

coot on its nest


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