Saturday, 8 February 2020


Although Storm Ciara was  predicted to arrive late on Saturday night, the morning's forecast  was  sunny with a moderate breeze and fairly mild; an good opportunity for me to re-visit Goldcliff lagoons and RSPB Newport Wetlands. 

A glossy ibis seems to have made its home there for the past year, and a black necked grebe has also been around for a while so I made it my purpose to try and locate them. In fact it would be my third black necked grebe this year, but both the others have been pretty distant, I was hopeful of therefore seeing one slightly nearer. 

I arrived at 830 am at Goldcliff lagoons, parked on the roadside, as recommended and made my way toward the trail of hides and screens which surround the lagoons. As expected, it was muddy and wellies were needed. 

The usual ducks and geese were present, and I got chatting to a Polish lad who was after the same two species as I was.  We eventually  located the black necked grebe from one of the screens; it was at a distance and I thought maybe I'd get a closer view from the next screen so started to make my way  round the path , but then realised it was moving back towards where I had just been standing, so had to retrace my steps! 

After watching and taking some photos, my temporary companion and I decided to walk the rest of the way round towards the last hide, having been told by some other birders that the glossy ibis was favouring an area which could be seen from the screen. We noticed that they had telescopes though!

After a good wait, the ibis (nicknamed 'Flossy') eventually came into view, fairly distant but viewable through binoculars, and just near enough for a couple of record shots. 

My next stop was RSPB Newport Wetlands. I was a little disappointed in the number of species seen last September, but hoped that there would be more today. However, with the brisk breeze, there again seemed few species. The reserve comprises an expanse of reedbeds from where the occasional cetti's warbler could be heard, and also follows the Wales coast path. However the tide was out and it was difficult to make out any birds on the mudflats. The breezy conditions didn't help either.

black necked grebe

view from hide toward area where I saw the glossy ibis


little grebe with a 'catch'

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  I read a blog recently which suggested that the hawfinches at Parkend were really not worth visiting, as the area is so busy with dog walk...