Friday 26 January 2024


A sunny day for my Friday day off, gave me another chance to go to Slimbridge WWT. The view of waders on the Tack Piece was spectacular - over 2000 golden plovers plus many lapwing, bewick swans, some ruff, redshanks, curlews and a variety of ducks and geese. Every so often, they would be spooked and rise at once into the air circling and whirling until they felt it safe to return to the ground. It always amazes me, that  although they rise in a mass, somehow they recombine into groups of the same species, flying at different altitudes. 

I had hoped to add water rail to my year list today, but it didn't show this morning. I did however, see goldfinches redpolls and siskin in the alders. A new for the year bird was an oyster catcher on the South Lake, 

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  I finally caught a glimpse of the white spotted bluethroat at Slimbridge today, it was only a distant sighting but at least a tick for the...