Saturday, 11 May 2024

OTMOOR RSPB in the morning sun

I paid a morning visit to rspb Otmoor today to catch up with some of the warblers that migrate there for the summer. The hedgerows along the bridle way were full of birdsong, and it wasn't long before I caught up with a very showy sedge warbler singing from the top of one of the bushes.  Blackcaps could also be heard along with chiffchaffs, reed warblers, lesser white throat, and reed bunting. 

At the first screen, a marsh harrier could be seen hunting over the reeds, and three  herons were at the edge of the reed beds. 

I didn't hear a grasshopper warbler reeling, which I have done in the past but I heard a cuckoo calling and saw it fly off. 

singing sedge warbler

hedgerows full of birdsong

reed warbler


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