Monday, 20 May 2024


 It was perfect weather for spotting butterflies at Morgan's Hill, near Calne this afternoon with almost clear skies and warm sunshine with only a little wind. I'd seen that Marsh Fritillaries had been seen at this Wiltshire Wildlife trust reserve and some Wall butterflies too, and as I needed both these for my year list I decided to head over there at lunch time after I'd finished work. 

Leaving the car park, I took the track up the slight incline through the trees until it levelled out with far reaching views. I continued until I came to a gate into the reserve which I went through and followed a path up to the top of the ridge. Straight away I saw a couple of Marsh Fritillary butterflies and as I walked further I saw plenty more - there must have been at least 20 and that was just each side of the path.  They were very obliging as usual and often settled open-winged on a buttercup or other plant.  I also saw both dingy and grizzled skippers and small heath, an orange tip, red admiral, brimstone and some white species which didn't settle. I  saw at least half a dozen wall butterflies, quite a good total compared with previous visits. Although appearing orange like the fritillaries, these had a stronger flight and would often settle on the warm, bare ground  and then fly up as I approached. 

marsh fritillary


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  I read a blog recently which suggested that the hawfinches at Parkend were really not worth visiting, as the area is so busy with dog walk...