Friday, 17 May 2024


 Small blue butterflies are now on the wing so I drove over to  Crog Hill just outside Lambourne which is possibly one of the easiest places to find them in good numbers. In fact as I stopped in the designated parking area at the entrance to the track I saw two even before I got out of the car!  Flying close to the ground, they are so small, you could even mistake them for some sort of fly until you realise when they settle and open their wings that they are indeed a tiny butterfly. 

I followed a deep rutted track from the car, almost every few steps one or two flew up from the ground ahead.  Apparently the males like to take minerals from mud, animal droppings and carrion so I assume that's what they were doing, as very few were settled on the flowers. 

I must have seen in excess of 100 small  blues, plus one or two individuals of other species. e.g.  dingy skipper, red admiral, and brimstone. 

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  I read a blog recently which suggested that the hawfinches at Parkend were really not worth visiting, as the area is so busy with dog walk...