Tuesday, 20 March 2018


I spent a couple of hours in Oxfordshire this afternoon, notably walking the couple of miles around the larger of the two reservoirs at Farmoor. It was dry but with a cold wind when not sheltered by the hedge.  Very few people about, but on the water the highlights were  several goldeneyes, pochard, tufted ducks, little and great crested grebes. Also scores of pied wagtails at the edges and a feral flock of snow geese. I had intended visiting the hide on the nature reserve but realised too late  that I'd left the note of the door keycode in my car! 

great crested grebe

snow goose

I then paid a quick  visit to Rushy Common. Lots of black headed and lesser black backed gulls on the lake, also oyster catchers and red crested pochards. Just next to the hide a stunning cock pheasant was picking up spillages from under the feeders.
red crested pochard

 beautiful patterned feathers!

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  I read a blog recently which suggested that the hawfinches at Parkend were really not worth visiting, as the area is so busy with dog walk...