Thursday, 14 February 2019


I visited Slimbridge WWT centre again today, for possibly the last time while the Bewick swans remain there. The forecast was for a sunny day, once early fog had cleared but it was still foggy   12.15 pm when I left work. However, I decided to trust the forecast, and by 12.30 I was travelling under a clear blue sky!

Slimbridge was busy with birders, but I was able to enjoy the views from the various hides. The Bewick swans were all out feeding in the fields or on the estuary but started to return in time for the tea time feed at 4 pm.  I didn't see the water rail today, possibly mild enough for it to remain hidden. However, a number of avocets had returned to South Lake ready for the breeding season. I also had nice views of common snipe, but not the jack snipe today.  I stayed until nearly feeding to watch the influx of birds flying in for their tea. 

pair of pintails

Canada geese coming into land


common snipe


mostly lapwings



Canada geese returning for feed

pintails in flight

Bewick swan and tufted duck

flying swans


waiting for tea!

a rather ungainly looking greylag!

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  I read a blog recently which suggested that the hawfinches at Parkend were really not worth visiting, as the area is so busy with dog walk...