Monday, 6 May 2019


Having had to change my bank holiday plans, I found myself with a free day, so decided to visit RSPB Otmoor. Both cuckoos and turtle doves are back at this site near Oxford, so I was hoping to see both of these today, together with various warblers. 

After a fairly early start, I arrived at 815 am; at that time there was still a fair amount of blue sky but it felt quite chilly in the slight breeze. Cuckoos could be heard across the reserve but apart from a glimpse of a couple in flight I didn't get to see one perched in a tree. Sedge warblers and black caps were somewhat easier to spot, and reed warblers very vocal down in the reeds. 

Along the bridleway, another birder kindly allowed me to look through his telescope to find a hobby on a post, as well as a crane and great white egret which I don't think I'd have spotted otherwise. 

As I returned to the car park after a couple of hours wandering around the reserve, I had some good views of a common and a lesser whitethroat. 

It was a good morning,  with 34 species recorded,  although I never did see a turtle dove, I think it was a bit on the cold side today, so I may have to revisit in order to tick that one off!

My camera  has been letting me down recently, so I have had to order a new one, and I only managed a couple of shots today which was rather disappointing, considering there were some nice photo opportunities.

sedge warbler singing

Canada geese with large family of goslings

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