Monday 20 May 2019


A pleasant afternoon spent at WWT Slimbridge today; a mix of sun and cloud but warm with hardly a breeze. Lots of new life around, broods of goslings and ducklings everywhere, also coots and moorhen with young of varying ages. At the Discovery Hide, a family of oyster catchers with chicks only a few days old were feeding close to the hide, where they had made their nest on the roof. Avocets and blackheaded gulls were nest sitting. 

I didn't see the mediterranean gulls which pay regular visits to South Lake but I did manage to find the spoonbill which gave distant views from the Zeiss hide and added another tick to my year list.

avocet pair

coot feeding chick


Canada goose

siesta for greylags

"Who's that crossing over my bridge?"

moorhen chick

oyster catcher

on sentry duty


spoonbill and avocets


almost missed these!

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  I finally caught a glimpse of the white spotted bluethroat at Slimbridge today, it was only a distant sighting but at least a tick for the...