Monday, 21 May 2018


With the unusual spring weather we've  had,  its hard to predict which butterflies will emerge next and when.  However, with new species being seen each week, my year count is gradually increasing and I added a couple more today.

I went over to Butterfly Conservation's reserve at Rough Bank where I've previously seen plenty of small blues and common blues. On arrival, I soon found a number of common blues and dingy skippers, but little else apart from a solitary orange tip and a few whites. I scoured the hawthorn bushes for green hairstreaks, but they seem to have had their day and after watching more common blues I was ready to leave. However,as I passed through  another area of the bank, I  came across some brown argus including a mating pair,  and finally a single small blue. 

common blue

brown argus

mating pair of brown argus

go away!

small blue

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